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What Is a CMS Website?

Posted by Unknown on Tuesday, August 23, 2011

CMS stands for Content Management System. These systems are designed to allow people who aren't familiar with web design to operate a website easily, without worrying about all the complicated coding that typically goes into designing a great website.
Open source CMS programs are the most popular because they can be downloaded completely free and the most popular systems have tons of templates, extensions and themes that make them more functional.

One of the more popular content management systems being used right now is WordPress, often just called WP. This system is incredibly easy to use and there are thousands of themes from many different designers that are easily modified for different functional uses and aesthetic looks. Another popular system is Linux, though there are many designers who no longer see the value in that CMS.

What makes a CMS website different from a website designed from scratch by a professional designer is the ease of use. You don't have to know a lot of HTML code in order to operate a website designed with a CMS. There is a convenient "backend" where all of the administrative duties take place. The best CMS programs make this are very easy to use so anyone with basic knowledge of the system can maintain a website and keep it functional.

The "frontend" is the actual website viewed by visitors to the site. This is the end of the website you see when you search for a website and click to check a CMS website out. This is the product of all the work that goes on behind the scenes in the backend. The site administrator can create new content and plug it in at the backend so it is displayed on the frontend. It starts in the back but the final product is displayed in the front.

It is the actual process of putting that fresh content into the backend that makes a CMS website so much easier to operate for those who don't know a lot about website design. A good CMS will allow the administrator to add bold, italics and other design features to the content without actually playing with code. The backend is well designed so administrators with minimal web design experience can put in new content, add features, and keep the front end fresh and appealing without getting into the mess of coding.

A CMS website also makes life easier for web designers. They can create interesting, functional websites that their clients love in much less time than they would otherwise spend coding the website from scratch. Clients are often happier with websites built on a CMS because they can do more for themselves and aren't always paying a designer to do minor tweaks and fix problems they encounter. They enjoy being able to manage their website without the constant need to ask for a professional's help.

Many people do set up their own CMS websites by using pre-designed templates and themes on the more popular content systems, but it is always best to have a professional modify the design so it is more unique. Another reason to modify is to make sure it has all the functionality you need from your website. A professional can take a basic template or theme and turn it into a beautiful website that makes visitors want to hang around for awhile.

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