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Make cartoon effect on your photo

Posted by Unknown on Sunday, August 7, 2011

Hi guys, do you interested with photoshop? or interested with cartoon?
OK, now i will invite you to learn editing a photo to be cartoon effect. Here, I used Adobe Photoshop CS5. Basicly, to edit the photo to be cartoon effect is same like drawing and painting on the paper.

Now I will give you the tutorial to do it. Here, there are 4 steps, drawing,painting,detailing,and finishing. OK, now , read below :

In this step, you will make the outline of the object in the photo. This step also called sketching.
  • Open the photo that you want to edit with adobe Photoshop ( right click - open with -Photoshop ).
  • After the Photoshop window has opened, then click new layer ( bottom-right-side ),then then rename “layer 1” with “outline”.
  • In the layer “outline” you make the line arround the object in the photo. To make the line, first, click brush tool and choose the type brush “Hard Round Pressure Size” and the size 1px.
  • Then click pen tool to make the line. And choose “path” as the pen type. Then make a path line on the round object.
  • After make a path, right-click and choose “stroke path”.
  • In the stroke path window choose brush and uncheck "simulate pressure" ( check it when make hair line and shadow line ).
  • See the figure below.
make a path
  • To make the eye, choose “Eliptical Marquee Tool” to selecting the eye, then painting it with black color use brush tool. See the figure below.
make selction

  • Make new layer and rename it “background”. Give that layer with white color. Move it to under the outline layer. And the result like figure below.

After the sketch has made, now is time to painting it. The painting will devide 3 parts, painting the base color, shadow color, and brightness color. First, you must paint the base color.
  • To painting the sketch, you must make new layer according to the part of the figure ( skin part, hair part, t-shirt part, etc ). See the figure below.
make new layer
  • Now we ready to painting, first, paint the skin with the color base ( up to you ). Do it in the “skin base “ layer. And choose the layer type “multiply”. Then painting the sketch use brush tool ( press “[“ or “]” on your keyboard to choose the size of brush simply). Like the figure below.
skin painting
  • Doing like that for other part. Like the figure below.
object painting
  •  Now, painting the shadow color. Make new layer for every part ( for example, skin shadow, hair shadow, and t-shirt shadow ) and choose “multiply”. The color is same with the base color. To make the color look softer, choose Filter-Blur-Gaussian Blur, and choose the radius ( up to you ). See the figure below.
shadow painting
  • Next, painting the brightness color. This step is same with the shadow color. But the layer type use “screen” type. See the figure below.
  • Now, painting the lips. The painting use tracing technique. Make new layer ( multiply type ), rename it to “lips”. Unvisible the background layer ( uncheck the “eye” icon of background layer ).  Then check the “eye” icon of picture layer. After that, activate the lips layer, and paint the lips in that lips layer follow the lips figure. Then make new layer ( multiply type ) to paint the brightness of lips.
lips painting

  • Then painting the eye. Make new layer ( normal type ). Choose the pupil color ( up to you ). Brush on the eye, just little , then make  it be longer use smuge tool. Finally, give the bright effect on the eye, then the result like  figure below.
eye painting
This third step, you will make detail  of the cartoon effect. Make some line on the hair ( doing it in the outline layer ). The size of line must be thicker than the sketch outline ( use brush size : 3-5 ). Then make the line of eye to be thicker. Then make new layer to paint the eyebrow. The result will look like the figure below.

the detail
This is the last step. In this step, you will add some creation ( up to you ). Here, I give the picture new background. Before do it, you must merge the layer to be one. Please unvisible the original picture layer and background layer, then on the outline layer, right-click then choose merge visible. Now you can add the new backgoround. Don’t forget to paint the white-side of eye with white color. The last result will be look like figure below.

the result
 Good luck...

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